

This logging toolkit offers an invaluable set of tools designed to make logging in Unity projects both simple and powerful. It offers a remarkable blend of user-friendliness and extensive configurability, this toolkit caters to developers of all preferences and project requirements.


In this section, we'll introduce the three primary loggers that come pre-packaged with the toolkit.


The GlobalLogger stands as a singleton logger, effortlessly accessible throughout the entire project. Ideal for developers seeking a shared configuration across classes and objects, this logger ensures a consistent logging experience.


Meet the GameObjectLogger, a Unity MonoBehaviour that seamlessly provides logging functionality in the form of a Unity Component. Adding it to a GameObject allows any script on that GameObject to access it with ease - simply use GetComponent<GameObjectLogger>(). This versatile component empowers developers with custom settings, neatly isolated from other logger instances.


For non-MonoBehaviour scripts requiring a specific logger, the ClassLogger steps in. While similar to the GameObjectLogger in its ability to configure LoggerSettings, it's primarily designed for non-MonoBehaviour scripts. Loading settings through scripting, this logger caters to scenarios where scripts need to manage their unique logging requirements.


The toolkit offers a robust set of features, empowering developers to elevate their game's logging capabilities.

Powerful and flexible configuration


The Logging Toolkit provides an easy and intuitive way to configure its logging features. With the Logger Settings, developers can fully customize different loggers to behave according to the project's needs.

Learn more

Explore detailed information on the toolkit manages its configuration and how to get started in the Logger Settings page.

Customizable Log Levels


The Logging Toolkit provides three default log levels—Error, Warning, and Debug. While these serve as foundational elements for logging, developers have the freedom to add additional levels by configuring them in Project Settings.

Learn more

See the Log Levels page to learn how to create, configure and use custom log levels.

Customizable Logging Output


Effective logging requires suitable outputs. The logging toolkit supports logging into the Unity Console, specific file types, and even custom outputs like databases or web services. Seamless integration allows developers to implement their own logging output effortlessly. The package includes a sample TXT, CSV and XML file outputs, and developers can create specific instances of custom outputs, configuring them for different instances of the same output type.

Learn more

For more information on how to create a custom logging output, how to use the log output settings and more and configuring conditional logging callbacks through scripting, refer to the Log Output Settings page.

Rich Logging Format

Tailor the log format for each logger with a highly customizable structure supporting Rich Text formatting. This feature integrates seamlessly with the Unity Console, allowing for a visually appealing and informative logging experience.

Explore the details of log formatting and its customization options on the Log Format page.

Intuitive User Experience


To enhance user experience, the toolkit incorporates custom inspector elements for all settings, ensuring a seamless and intuitive configuration process. The design philosophy is centered around delivering an experience that caters to both novice and advanced developers.

For novice developers:

  • The toolkit prioritizes a code-free approach for basic configurations and common use cases.

  • Users can effortlessly navigate through the custom inspector elements, making adjustments without delving into code.

  • While basic configurations can be achieved without code, it's important to note that coding is essential for logging messages and more advanced use cases.

For advanced developers:

  • Despite the user-friendly approach, the toolkit remains flexible and extensible.

  • Advanced developers have the freedom to explore and fully leverage the toolkit's capabilities, allowing for expansion and customization to meet specific requirements.

By focusing on an intuitive user experience, the toolkit aims to provide accessibility to developers of all skill levels, from those looking for a straightforward setup to those seeking advanced customization options.

Last updated