Class Logger


This logger type is meant to be used independently of Unity, mostly for non-MonoBehaviour classes.


Configuring a ClassLogger is done exclusively through code, but still makes use of the LoggerSettings.

To instantiate it, create a new field in the desired script:

private ClassLogger _logger;

There are two ways to assign a logger settings instance to a new class logger, by loading an existing instance or by creating it altogether.

Existing Logger Settings

To use an existing LoggerSettings, that has been created and is saved in the Resources folder: 'Resources/Logging/ExampleLoggerSettings.asset', making use of the Resources class from Unity can fetch and load the ScriptableObject:

_logger = new ClassLogger(Resources.Load<LoggerSettings>("Logging/ExampleLoggerSettings"));

Creating Logger Settings

It's possible to create an instance of the Logger Settings and configure it programatically. This removes the dependency from the scriptable object asset file, but it introduces a startup performance overhead and removes the advantages of using the Unity Editor to configure the LoggerSettings.

Make use of the static CreateInstace method from the ScriptableObject class to create a new instance of the LoggerSettings:

LoggerSettings loggerSettings = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<LoggerSettings>();

Now the variable loggerSettings exists and call be fully configured in the script:

loggerSettings.LogToUnityConsole = true;
loggerSettings.LogToExternal = false;

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