Output Modules


Output Modules are small classes that implement logic related with logging output. These modules are used by the Logging Toolkit for the various LogOutputSettings available.

These are quite useful since most LogOutputSettings' implementation will share functionality. By following a composition principle, the developer can easily define a feature as a module and use it as a building block of the LogOutputSettings' implementation.

Some modules are pre-packaged, but are focused on file based output. For other types of outputting, such as a database or a webservice, the developer can create their own modules.

It's highly recommended to use this practice when implementing custom LogOutputSettings.

Native modules

Here is a list of the modules that are pre-packaged:

  • LogOutputFileWriter: writes a log into a file.

  • LogOutputFormat: formats a log with a given LogFormat.

  • LogOutputBuffer: creates a writting buffer for the log output.

  • LogOutputSelector: filters a LogTagHolder to only include certain fields.creates a writting buffer for the log output.


This section will outline the high-level approach to creating a module.

1. Implement the module:

Implement the functionality of your module based on the requirements. For Log Output Settings, this might include handling log messages, managing buffers, or defining output formats.

2. Module properties:

Define the properties that your module requires. These properties will be configurable via the Unity Inspector.

3. [Serializable] Attribute:

Ensure your custom module class is marked with the [Serializable] attribute. This is necessary for Unity to serialize the class and display its properties in the Inspector.

4. Custom Property Drawer:

Implement a custom property drawer to enhance the visual representation of your module in the Unity Inspector. This ensures a clean and organized display of settings.

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